UK Dog Shows 2021
Dog Shows & Championship Shows have been mainly cancelled this year due to COVID-19, a great disappointment to thousands of dow owners, exhibitors, spectators, judges, stewards, volunteers and not least – the dogs themselves!
Hopefully all the planned dog shows will go ahead next year – paws crossed! As an aide to our ever increasing band of followers we have compiled this easy read list of clubs (registered with The Kennel Club) and their planned Dog Shows for 2021.
Boston & District Canine Society | January 7-10
Manchester Dog Show Society | January 14-17
MARCH 2021
Crufts – NEC Birmingham | March 11-14
United Kingdom Toy Dog Society – Liverpool | March 27
Scottish Breeds Canine Club | March 27
APRIL 2021
National Terrier Club Stafford | April 3
Hound Association of Scotland | April 10
Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Wales | April 17
MAY 2021
Birmingham Dog Show Society | May 6-9
Scottish Kennel Club – Edinburgh | May 21-23
Bath Canine Society | May 28-3
JUNE 2021
Southern Counties Canine Association | June 10-13
Three Counties Agricultural Society – Malvern | June 10-13
Border Union Agricultural Society | June 19-20
Blackpool & District Canine Society | June 25-27
JULY 2021
Windsor Dog Show Society – Windsor | July 1-4
East Of England Agricultural Society | July 9-11
Hound Association | July 17 2021
National Working & Pastoral Breeds Dog Society | July 17
Leeds City & District Canine Association | July 23-25
Paignton & District Fanciers Association | August 7-9
National Gundog Association | August 1
Bournemouth Canine Association | August 14-16
Welsh Kennel Club | August 20-23
Driffield Championship Show Society | August 26-29
City Of Birmingham Canine Association | September 3-5
Richmond Dog Show Society – Loseley Park | September 10-12
Darlington Dog Show Society – Ripon Racecourse | September 17-19
Belfast Dog Show Society | September 25-26
Scottish Kennel Club | November 13
British Utility Breeds Association | December 4
Ladies Kennel Association – NEC Birmingham | December 11-12